Dredge the Vermilion 2020 Summary Update

Dredge the Vermilion 2020 Summary Update

Happy New Year! Off to a new year, hopefully a better one. At least we escaped MAJOR flooding in 2020. Some residents along coulee Ill des Cannes and north of Lafayette up in the Long Pine community of Evangeline Parish were not so lucky and did experience some...
Teche-Vermilion Watershed Map Explained

Teche-Vermilion Watershed Map Explained

Why did we flood and why are we in danger of flooding again? Below is a link to a Google map of the entire LA watershed area and instructions on how to view, use, and share information. Below that is a detailed overview/explanation. Huge thanks to Harold Schoeffler,...
Notice Letter and Petition to LCG from property owners

Notice Letter and Petition to LCG from property owners

Attached is the DTV Notice Letter and Petition to LCG regarding drainage work that is causing harm to numerous individual homeowners and business owners who reside and conduct business in Lafayette Parish and/or the City of Lafayette. The 7th page of the letter is the...

DTV Board Meeting Agenda

  January 23, 2020–Lafayette LA.  Dredge the Vermilion (DTV) had their quarterly board meeting on 1/23/2020. Board members and advisors attending were as follows: (> Attended X Did not Attend) > Dave Dixon President > Harold Schoeffler...